10 Home Remedies Every Parent Should Know

image credit: http://homeketeers.com/10-home-remedies-every-mother-should-know/
image credit: http://homeketeers.com/10-home-remedies-every-mother-should-know/
image credit: http://homeketeers.com/10-home-remedies-every-mother-should-know/

From coughs and sunburns to minor infections, every parent wants to take care of their kids without the need of prescription or over the counter drugs.  Growing up in Chicago, I always remembered my mom and dad using their home remedies to against colds, soar throats, coughs, and warts.

Having an arsenal of home remedies readily available can be very helpful around kids.  These 10 home remedies cover a wide range of ailments including fever, soar throat, eye infections, are more!

Check them out and let us know your experience.  Also, share remedies of your own that have proven to work.

10 Home Remedies Every Parent Should Know