10 Survival Skills Your Great-Grandparents Knew (That Most Of Us Have Forgotten)



As a prepper, I always aim to learn new skills to adapt to the ever-changing world we live in. However, I’ve noticed that as time passes by, people have grown dependent on the system. Instead of being self-reliant like our ancestors, some of us just wait for services we have access to for our needs.

One good example is utility services. Almost everyone on earth can’t bear living without electricity even for just a couple of minutes. Most people don’t know how to survive and thrive in the dark.

In this regard, I am excited to share to you an article I’ve found. It discusses the crucial skills most of us have forgotten but are crucial to survive when SHTF. I believe it is imperative for everyone, not just preppers like me, to possess these survival skills to endure the worst situations in life.

Read on to learn what they are.

10 Survival Skills Your Great-Grandparents Knew (That Most Of Us Have Forgotten)