13 Things People Will Wish They Had After The SHTF

image source: www.urbansurvivalsite.com
image source: www.urbansurvivalsite.com
image source: www.urbansurvivalsite.com

If you’re familiar with prepping, you know it’s not about expecting the worst.  Rather, is preparing for the worst.  Keeping yourself and your family safe and ready for survival. Sometimes, it good to remind yourself why prepping is important.

Disasters are common, but those of us who live in the Western World are often blinded by it.  They occur often in the other parts of the world and it can happen anywhere.  The modern luxuries of electricity, air conditioning, fresh water, and such may not always be readily available.

As Preppers, you want to ensure you don’t feel completely helpless when disaster strikes. Few basic survival items can mean the difference between life and death. Here are 13 items people will wish they had and why.

13 Things People Will Wish They Had After The SHTF