Coast HP17TAC Review – 615 Lumen Focusing LED Flashlight with Tactical Strobe

Coast HP17TAC High Performance Focusing 615 Lumen LED Flashlight


The Coast HP17TAC is definitely one of my favorite, especially for the price.  This flashlight feels good to hold, and the weight is evenly distributed, making it easy to handle.  If needed, this flashlight could double as a club and knock out any intruder cold, without even placing a dent on it.

Focus image

One of my favorite features is the ability to easily focus the light beam; All you have to do is slide the lens housing forward or back to create a concentrated spotlight or a wider range floodlight.

You can even hold it over your head like a torch to easily illuminate a pitch black room. The specs say it can shoot a focused beam around 300 yards, and judging by the intensity, I have no doubt it could reach those distances.

Here are some reviews from Amazon customers:

(Five Stars) “If I were in a blackout, or an emergency situation, this would definitely be the first flashlight I’d reach for. Top notch, all the way around.” – Kaio

(Five Stars) “Absolutely happy with my purchase. The high lumen setting is bright enough to light up my entire room when I point it at the ceiling, so it lacks nothing in term of brightness. The slide-to-focus-beam setting is exceptional and one of my favorite parts of it. As another reviewer noted, it is definitely sturdy enough to double as a self-defense resource. Entirely happy with my purchase.” – Dena

(Five Stars) “An outstanding product–really reaches out! After about a month or more, I’m still on the first set of batteries. This one replaces a five-position light setting one that I used for several years and I like the three-position light setting on this one and how it quickly returns to the brightest setting without having to go through the whole cycle again. The ability to focus and lock the lens is a very and useful feature. Excellent quality and product for sure.” – Mike


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