Doomsday Planning for Less Crazy Folk



As a prepper, my goal is to always be prepared of whatever it is that life throws at me. I study everything I can learn about preparedness and survival because I believe that all the knowledge I acquire will be useful and handy someday.

However, this doesn’t mean that I worry about the tragedies and life-altering disasters every second of my life. Yes, thinking about them can cause discomfort and fear even to the most fearless person on earth, but reasonable preppers’ life do not revolve around them.

We learn and master survival hacks and skills because we believe that they can be as useful even to day to day situations.


With this said, I’ve found an in-depth article which talks about less crazy folks plan for the doomsday. It is thought provoking and delivers a strong message we can all benefit from. You’ll do yourself a favor by taking the time to read it. Click on the link below to learn more. 

Complete Doomsday Planning Guide