As a Prepper, it’s important to learn skills important for survival and gather supplies in case SHTF. But what if disaster does strike near you? Do you have a plan that can keep your family safe?
Most Preppers may have prepared emergency supplies, packed a bug-out bag, and learned important skills for survival. But you may not have a plan for when disaster actually strikes. It’s not too extreme to think of a plan for this type of scenario. Take a look at the disasters that are currently happening across the world (especially in third world countires). Know that this can possibly strike near you as well (hopefully not).
To help prepare for SHTF, I found an article on that provides clear instructions on the first 9 things you should do. As stated on the site, “This article is about what to do in the middle of a regional event that has happened but hasn’t yet directly affected you – but it soon will.” Hope you find the article helpful.
SHTF! The first 9 things to do during a disaster