Without an Emergency Fund You Are One Missed Paycheck From Disaster


Without an Emergency Fund You Are One Missed Paycheck From DisasterWhat if one day, your car which you use to go to and from work broke down and needed to be repaired? What if your child or dog required emergency medical attention? What will happen if your income was delayed for two weeks or more? Do you have an emergency fund you can turn to so you can get through these tough situations?

You can never call yourself a prepper if you haven’t built an emergency fund into your budget. As a prepper, I believe that an emergency fund is absolutely vital. It is as important as your survival kits and is as essential as the skills and hacks you learn and master to help you with survival situations.

I have found a must-read article which may open your eyes to the importance of having an emergency fund. Read on to learn more about the tips which can help you learn how to be financially savvy moving forward.

Without an Emergency Fund You Are One Missed Paycheck From Disaster